Bee Mer Werx

In the interest of the health and safety of my family and myself, customer access to BeeMerWerx will no longer be permitted. This is effective immediately, until further notice. This policy will be in effect until a Covid 19 vaccine has been developed and distributed to everyone.
My business is considered by the State to be essential, and as such can remain open. And that is my intention. The risk of any physical contact with others however, can not be justified. Everyone should be considered to be infected and contagious, symptomatic or not. This includes myself of course. I do not want to be the one to infect you, any more than I want to get sick myself.
That being said, I still plan to continue to repair bikes, as long as the parts supply continues. There just will not be any direct customer contact. Because we all may find it hard to break old social habits, business will be conducted under the following guidelines:
- No one is allowed in the building, under any circumstances. Please don’t come by to talk, or ask questions. I am available by phone exclusively. I will return my phone calls as soon as possible. If you need to drop off or pick up a bike for service or storage, be sure to use the restroom before you show up. I will not be able to let you in.
- Pick ups and drop offs will be made outside on the concrete pad, outside of the gate, which is being kept locked. Your bike will be sanitized when you drop it off, and before you pick it up. Payment will be made using credit or debit cards only, with the necessary information given by phone, email or text. This information will be promptly deleted or destroyed. A reduced card fee of 1.5% will be charged while this policy is in effect. Invoices will be placed under your seat, or in some other agreed upon location.
- I may elect to do some service work at a different location, to insure that I can continue to isolate myself.
We all need to take this situation very seriously. While I feel that most folks are, it’s just too easy to make a mistake, or have a lapse in judgement. I know that I have. Since we can’t be sure of anyone’s health these days, prudence is the only option.
Paul Ford